Reconstruction page,pl,It will function in,pl,It will operate in a short time under other NZWS,pl,International Felinological Judge,pl,President of SHK Krzysztof Wycicowski,pl,If you are looking for a Russian blue cat,pl,Krzysztof Wycichowski Tel,pl, It will operate in a short time, please contact,pl 533 -50-50-02 obecnie mamy kocięta, do hodowli i poza hodowlę.
Międzynarodowy Sędzia Felinologiczny WCF, Supervisor WCF, Prezes SHK Krzysztyof Wychicowski e-mail
THE WEBSITE IS UNDER RECONSTRUCTION, WILL SOON OPERATE UNDER DIFFERENT NAMES, please contact us at +48533 -50-50-02. We currently have kittens for breeding and non-breeding.
International WCF Felinological Judge, WCF Supervisor, SHK President Krzysztof Wychicowski emeil.
Jeśli szukasz kota Rosyjskiego Niebieskiego / Munchkin to świetnie trafiłeś!
Tradycja naszej hodowli sięga 1992 roku, co oznacza, że jesteśmy jedną z najdłużej funkcjonujących hodowli kotów rasowych w Polsce i Europie.
Nasza wieloletnia działalność i doświadczenie sprawiły, że dom, w którym prowadzimy hodowlę, stanowi kocią enklawę.
Tutaj nasi mali przyjaciele dysponują ogromną przestrzenią, licznymi wybiegami oraz komfortem niespotykanym w innych hodowlach.
Cats, który znajdują się u nas, they are an international elite with the highest titles acquired,pl,Kittens find new houses in Poland and in the world,pl,Many of them went to loving families, among others,pl,in United States,pl,The credibility of our breeding is confirmed by numerous invitations to television programs,pl,in which we present our pupils and give interviews,pl,Breeding is a member of the Polish Association SHK,pl,- Salado eyes *pl i blue gift *pl,es,We are located in the town of Osiek in the war,pl,Pomeranian,pl,in the Starogard poviat,pl,To,en,km from Gdańsk,pl. Kocięta znajdują nowe domy w Polsce i na świecie. Wiele z nich trafiło do kochających rodzin w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Wiarygodność naszej hodowli potwierdzają liczne zaproszenia do programów telewizyjnych, w których prezentujemy naszych podopiecznych i udzielamy wywiadów.
Hodowla jest członkiem Polskiego Stowarzyszenia SHK, being a member of the largest and most respected global organization CAT WORLD FEDERATION (WCF).
We have a kennel (Name kittens) – OJOS DEL SALADO *PL i BLUE GIFT *PL, awarded by the two world federations.
Our cats are Russian Blue breed standard type.
Znajdujemy się w miejscowości Osiek w woj. pomorskim, w powiecie starogardzkim.
To 94 km od Gdańska, 32 km from Starogard i,pl,km from Grudziadz,pl,We cordially invite you to visit the breeding,pl,Because our activity is based on the highest standards,pl,and thus we have nothing to hide,pl,On request, we will bring kittens anywhere in Poland and in the world,pl,In order to obtain more information, we encourage you to read our website,pl,Also look at our Facebook,pl,,en,In order to obtain a credible opinion about breeding,pl 38 km od Grudziądza.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do odwiedzin hodowli, ponieważ nasza działalność opiera się na najwyższych standardach, a tym samym nie mamy niczego do ukrycia.
The highest title and the first in the history of Polish felinology Kocura in the title of the Grand European Champion,pl,With the title and the first in the history of Polish Felinology Kocura in the title of the Grand European Champion,pl – GRAND CONTINENTAL CHAMPION. JEDYNA CZYNNA W POLSCE HODOWLA KOTÓW EGISPKICH MAU / MUNCHKIN
Krzysztof Wycichowski tel 533 50 50 01
Lub Komisja Hodowlana Przewodnicząca Dorota Pietrzak tel 535 35 13 33
The culture you can visit in person
IMPORTANT,pl,Why shouldn't you buy animals without a pedigree,pl,The price of such a kitten is several times higher than the price of kitty,pl,get a breeding to the tax office and, of course, pay tax,pl,We have the only kittens in the country Mau and Munchkin,pl– dlaczego nie powinno się kupować zwierząt bez rodowodu!!
Pedigree is a BIRTH CERTIFICATE animal, as well as human. Regardless of QUANTITIES kittens in the litter, ALL puppies always receive pedigree. Details lineage, depending on the compound is 30 do 60 gold. When buying a kitten get on his purchase contract civil legal agreement between breeder and buyer. The agreement is determined ALWAYS destiny animals – whether it is a kitten “NA KOLANKA” (pussy unlicensed breeding, bought for love and the right age to be neutered) whether it is a kitten for breeding (This is THE BEST IN BREED TYPE kitty litter, cena takiego kociaka jest kilkakrotnie wyższa od ceny kiciusia “na kolanka”). With the culture must:
- register with the Feline Association,
- pay membership fees,
- pay registered breeding cats for breeding,
- złościć do Urzędu Skarbowego prowadzenie hodowli i oczywiście odprowadzać podatek,
- kotkom provide veterinary care,
- feed your cat the best, foods that were in excellent condition,
- drive with pets in the exhibition to obtain licenses for breeding – not enough to buy a kitten “the right to culture”, you need to expose it yet been evaluated by the judges felinological.
Pseudohodowcy exempt from these fees and restrictions. People selling cats “racial” WITHOUT PEDIGREE the pedigree parents simply deceived the breeder from whom bought kittens. Bought Kotka “na kolanka” and have not fulfilled the conditions of the contract talking about castration. Such dealings are punishable – THEFT OF GENES. That's why they never give the full name of the parents toddlers (name and surname pedigree cat, that is, the name of the culture from which it) nor have they any websites to complicate the extraction of fraud. Therefore, the price of such babies is lower – There is no charge, tax or duty veterinary inspection or control over the correctness of the Association of breeding (Breeding female offspring can have a maximum 3 times 2 years!). When buying a kitty of these people are helping fraudsters.
14 Responses to,en Reconstruction page,pl,It will function in,pl,It will operate in a short time under other NZWS,pl,International Felinological Judge,pl,President of SHK Krzysztof Wycicowski,pl,If you are looking for a Russian blue cat,pl,Krzysztof Wycichowski Tel,pl, It will operate in a short time, please contact,pl 533 -50-50-02 obecnie mamy kocięta, do hodowli i poza hodowlę.